Pre-registration Procedure for Summer School has ended. Click here for detailed information...

For students who wish to benefit from summer school

Please click the following link for detailed information of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Summer School.


1-Pre-registration process will be held to determine the list of required courses of Summer School.

2-Pre-registration process can be completed online at

3-The students who completed pre-registration procedure are not considered as the students who registered for summer school.

4-The students should select the courses they requested during pre-registration process.

5-The courses selected by students during pre-registration process will not be opened exactly. See regulations of Summer School for the detailed information. 

6-The final list of courses will be announced in academic calendar at

7-The detailed information regarding the registration procedure will be announced at

Please go to for the detailed information regarding fee.
Pre-registration Procedure: June 1-12, 2015
Click here for 2014-2015 Academic Calendar
Click here for Course Content

Last Update : 15.06.2015 10:04:14 Number of Views : 7053
